TanveerNaseer.com » Understanding The Value Of Charisma In Leadership
Has charisma gone out of fashion, or are we simply too busy?
To begin, let us first understand that charisma is not simply about having this natural charm or a magnetic aura that some of us seem to naturally possess to draw in those around us. Rather, as the Oxford Dictionary points out, charisma refers to our ability “to inspire followers with devotion and enthusiasm”.
In other words, charisma is not simply about how charming those around us perceive us to be, but our ability to inspire and engage our employees to commit their discretionary efforts to the shared purpose of our organization. That our employees can see for themselves the value they can help to create through their talents, creativity, and insights not just for their organization, but for themselves as well.
Although I demonstrated in my keynote how this is very much doable for any leader, the real question is whether – in the face of today’s fast-paced, 24/7 world with its increasing demands for our time and attention – we’ll choose to simply focus on what will help us clear off our To-Do lists, or whether we’re making efforts to ensure we connect what matters to our organization with what matters to those we lead.
Tanveer Naseer is one of my favourite writers.
His regular articles are filled with original insight and thought provoking. Here, Tanveer examines how sharing his thoughts on charisma affects those who hear him. Fascinating and powerful insights into the minds of the modern executive. Curated from www.tanveernaseer.com